Latest UCAT Cut-off scores For Medicine and Dentistry – 2023/24

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Applying to universities for medicine and dentistry involves a myriad of variables to consider, but an integral part of the process is arguably the UCAT cut-off scores. It’s clear that these cut-off scores play a crucial role, and it is imperative to grasp a solid understanding of them in order to maximise your chances of landing an interview. So, what exactly are these UCAT cut-off scores? 

“UCAT cut-off scores are the minimum required scores set by universities, to consider an application for courses like medicine and dentistry.”

Naturally, these cut-off scores fluctuate from year to year, depending on a variety of factors, such as the overall performance of the applicants, the number of available places and strategic decisions made by the universities themselves. Therefore, keeping abreast of these changes every year is vital. 

Knowing these cut-off scores not only informs your chances of getting an offer but strategically opens up a way to pool your choices to universities where your score would be competitive, thereby maximising your chances of successfully landing a place. Let’s briefly consider why this can be a game-changer: 

Latest cut-off Scores by University

A play-by-play of how the UCAT exam has historically been used is available to read.

Here we will cover how each university uses UCAT test results specifically with regard to cut-offs.

It goes without saying that while some universities don’t consider the SJT, the ones that do will reject candidates who score in band 4, so practice your situational judgement guys.


Doesn’t look at SJT.

Cutoff typically placed at 2660.

Anglia Ruskin

Candidates are ranked and awarded interviews based on this.


No cut-off is used.


Its pretty high scorers that apply to Barts and Queen Mary – typically the cutoff is 2700.

A band 4 is also a rejection, as is the case for many UCAT universities.


Cutoff is typically around 2700 however this isn’t set in stone as birmingham has quite a well documented selection process.


 Bristol admissions LOVE the UCAT – so much so that if you score highly, you’re very much favoured for an interview.

The cut-off is quite high as a result – around 2900.


Brunel rely on a rank-based system to review UCAT scores, and offers interviews to prospective candidates, based on their rank agaisnt the rest of the test-taking cohort.


At Cardiff, there doesn’t appear to be a UCAT cut-off.


At Chester, the UCAT is used in conjunction with a number of other pre-interview selection criteria, and therefore one may choose to apply regardless.


At Dundee, there doesn’t appear that a cut-off is used directly, however a band 4 in the SJT does spell rejection.

Edge Hill

At edge hill a rank is used to offer interviews to prospective candidates, and a SJT score 4 is usually an immediate rejection.


A cut-off score is used – 2470 for 2023 application year.

Generally applicants score quite highly so this cut-off score is generally nominal once you’re above it, and shouldn’t be an indication that an interview is imminent.


No cut-off but the higher the score, the better the overall candidate rating and chances of being invited to an interview.


SJT is ignored, and the UCAT is considered in conjunction with other factors. 

Generally successful applicants are high scorers (over 2700).

Hull York

Academics play a more significant role than the UCAT with Hull York, however applicants are still urged to score band 2 SJT (band 4 = failure) and aim for between 2650-2700.


Keele has a relatively accepting policy on UCAT scores in that they have a pretty low cut-off – around 2300.

Generally you can be successful with Keele with average UCAT scores, granted you have achieved good academic grades and some work experience.

Kent and Medway

Cut-off is variable but it has been as low as 2200.

Kings College London

No cut-off but your score better be high for kings.


Leeds is historically a BMAT university, but with the exam being scrapped, they are moving over to the UCAT system. 

Who know what their cut-off will be.


Leicester doesn’t really operate with cut-offs, but on a point based system.


No fixed cut-off is used.


GCSEs are weighted higher than the UCAT at liverpool – you can use this to your advantage.

UCAT scores from candidates invited to interview have been as low as 2100 historically.

Just make sure you score band 3 or above for SJT as a band 4 is an immediate rejection.


Manchester requires students to fall in the top four deciles and score either SJT band 1 or band 2 to be considered competitively for interview. Their cutoff is therefore subject to the overall distribution of the test taking cohort nationally, but can be changed at the discretion of the university.


Newcastle has historically high UCAT thresholds, and expected students to score over 2800 in 2022. This may be due to their rank based system and the fact that many applicants score highly in the exam. 

Newcastle, like most other universities also have an academic threshold to be eligible for their rank based scoring and subsequent interview stage.


Norwich medical school at UEA doesn’t look to use UCAT cut-offs,  but considers test results along with academic and other criteria.


Nottingham Medicine’s UCAT cut-off fluctuates annually, however generally scores are expected to be high, with a strong emphasis on verbal reasoning. This section scores double due to its significant research-backed importance according to the university.

Interestingly it is the subtest that test-takers consistently score poorest in – Which is probably further confirmation to focus your study efforts on the verbal reasoning subtest.

Applicants scoring a band 4 on the situational judgement test are declined.


Plymouth uses cut-off scores however these are not disclosed publically during the application cycle. 

It is generally worth applying if you score above 2650.

Queens’s Belfast

Queen’s Belfast places a high emphasis on GCSE scores rather than UCAT – and employ a score based system.

Generally if you have scored highly in your GCSEs, you are able to secure an interview.


Sheffield has a relatively high UCAT cut-off. Generally it is expected that you’re applying with a score of atleast 2750.

Sheffield also has a few other criteria that they use to assess applicants.


Southampton uses a rank based system where UCAT score is ranked. A cut-off is therefore hard to place.

Generally applicants are scoring around 2700 and above.

SJT is not typically used by southampton.

St Andrew’s

St Adnrew ranks candidates by score and invites a certain amount of students to their interviews based on this rank.

Generally the top 500 students are invited to interview, but this may changein the future.

double check the official website to make sure.


UCAT score must be in the top 8 deciles. 

The UCAT deciles cut-off is published twice every year, one provisional during the exam cycle, and one final after all test results are published,


At Warwick, the UCAT Verbal Reasoning score is mainly used for their medical school assessments. Applicants whose scores meet or surpass the national mean for the Verbal Reasoning section in the year of application proceed to the first round of selection, whilst those falling short of this benchmark are unfortunately dismissed at this juncture.


Historically there was no entry exam but with the introduction of UCAT at UCLAN, a UCAT cut-off or indeed any explanation of how test results are used is yet to be confirmed by the university.

How Accurate are UCAT Cut-off scores

Whether you are a newcomer to the process or a seasoned applicant, it’s crucial to understand the degree to which UCAT cut-off scores can be considered accurate predictors of securing an interview at your chosen university. Let’s delve a little deeper into this topic. 

The cut-off scores are not set in stone. In fact, they are a moving target, primarily because they are influenced by the upcoming application cohort’s overall performance each year. This means the same score that may have gotten you an interview offer one year might not the next. The scores fluctuate annually and no particular score guarantees a certain outcome. 

“Is the cut-off score an accurate indication of my chances?”

To answer this rhetorical question: in a way, yes, but with numerous caveats. It is advised not to bank solely on previous years’ cut-off scores. They can serve as a useful yardstick but should be considered within the larger context. 

Alternative and non UCAT universities

There are always alternatives for students who may have performed poorly on the UCAT, or not taken the test altogether. 

Certain universities don’t require students to take the UCAT, or indeed any entrance exam for that matter, granted you meet certain requirements.


Understanding the intricacies of UCAT cut-off scores for Medicine and Dentistry is critical, yet it’s essential not to dwell too long on these scores. As findings show, universities handle these scores differently, and some do not even have a precise cut-off. This lack of consistency may lead to misunderstandings and undue stress. 

Key Points: 

  • Clear cut-offs are not a norm: Not all universities have set cut-off scores. Some of them may analyse applications in a more holistic approach, considering various aspects such as personal essays, references, and previous academic performance in conjunction with the UCAT scores.
  • Opacity in internal practices: The universities don’t divulge all their practices about how they deal with the scores. This opacity in operations further complicates discerning a clear trend or standard.

The lack of certainty about cut-off scores, however, is not a roadblock, but rather an opportunity. It’s a reminder that an overall well-rounded profile can overshadow a less than perfect UCAT score.

Prepare, perform, and then proceed optimistically to the application process. Every academic year brings a new cohort, each with different strength levels. Historical trends in cut-off scores are just that – history. They need not, and often do not dictate the future. 

While understanding the landscape is essential, let it not determine your aspirations. Apply with optimism, and remember, you may just get lucky. 

Do you want some extra UCAT tips?

Get a list of 20 secret UCAT tips used by the best students to improve their scores on test day!


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