Entry Requirement Checker

Entry Requirement Checker

Among other things such as work experience, Uni location, and funding, there are 4 main things to think about when choosing your perfect medical school. Use this tool to filter through your ideal medical school!


A-Levels are an important part of the application process.

    • It might sound obvious but you must ensure your grades meet the minimum entry requirements or you would be wasting one of your entries.
    • If you think you qualify for widening participation and a reduced entry requirements, make sure you actually meet the widening participation criteria before applying!
    • Thousands of application are discarded simply because students didnt meet entry requirements!


BMAT, GAMSAT, and ofcourse, UCAT!

    • For many medical schools the UCAT is the exam of choice to test aptitude and readiness/preparedeness to undergo medical studies.
    • Do the right tests and make sure you score competitively by comparing yourself to applicants from previous years who got interviews!
    • Different schools have their different cut-offs. This tool simply addresses schools in the UCAT consortium!


In short, this is a reduced offer for people from under-represented groups and disadvantaged backgrounds.

    • Different universities have different criteria and it is something we are looking at integrating into our searches to find you the best school.
    • For now, you must do your own research and use it to your advantage when you find a school that accepts that you are from a disadvantaged background!


Do you have a degree? certificate of training? Diploma in care?

    • In terms of certificates, this falls under work experience. As long as your meet the minimum work experience requirements, your extra certificates may not give you any more of a boost over someone else with little (but up to the threshold) work experience.
    • For graduates, this is another situation. In the near future we hope to add an option for graduates to search for their ideal medical school based on their qualifications. 
    • For now, graduates have the option of applying to graduate entry medicine which has reduced A-Level offers but often higher UCAT thresholds. 
    • You may use this tool if you are applying to the undergraduate pathway as a graduate but until we release another update, you are actually better off doing your own research.

This tool helps you cut down the time looking through blogs and student room posts to find the right schools for you. This however doesn’t exclude the necessity of doing your own research! Scroll down for more information on how to use it properly.

Entry Requirement Checker for UCAT Med Schools

Entry Requirements Checker

First A-Level
Second A-Level
Third A-Level
UCAT Average


Important things to know

how it works

This is a very simple tool that searches for the ideal university depending on the grades you achieved. 

I hated how i had to go through each university’s website to see if i met their minimum entry requirements, hence this tool!

how accurate is it?

This tool has information from each website pre-loaded and there are more cool updates to come. 

It is no more accurate than searching through websites yourself, which also goes for the UCAT cutoffs. 

They are purely speculative but may have some truth to them!

is this all the research i need to do?

No. I intended on this being a purely suplementary tool to point you in the right direction for schools to search. 

The next update will include links to each university website so you may check all their policies and requirements.

what happens if no university shows?

This just means we were unable to find an ideal university based on the data inputted. 

It only means you should go and do more research since you may fall under widening participation, or able to get into BMAT/GAMSAT universities.

Basically don’t worry if the tool can’t find a school for you! And if you are worried, DM me for some advice if you want. My details are on the contact page.

where is the data from?

The university data is collected from various sources including the university’s own web-page as well as FOI requests found online.

Something is incorrect…

I am the sole programmer behind this website and often mistakes may crop in. If you think the entry requirement information or UCAT cutoff may be different, please use this contact form to get right to me. 


– Graduate option

Graduates have a separate criteria when apply to medicine. This often includes lower A-Level offers, higher UCAT cutoff, and a minimum 2:1 in a bioscience degree. We are looking to implement this feature to allow graduates to see their ideal universities. This will also include graduate entry courses.


Some universities such as Leicester have a formula to calculate your rank score to determine the likely-hood of receiving an interview. We are looking to implement this feature on here soon.

– Wider participation support

We will be implementing wider participation checks based on geography and household income.

– BMAT/GAMSAT checks

In the future, If your criteria doesn’t match with any UCAT universities, we would like to recommend universities that don’t only accept UCAT as an entry exam. 

Do you want some extra UCAT tips?

Get a list of 20 secret UCAT tips used by the best students to improve their scores on test day!