How To Relax in Medical School – Music, Relaxation, Pleasant Aesthetic – Chill Friends

How To Relax in Medical School – Music, Relaxation, Pleasant Aesthetic – Chill Friends

To relax in medical school is to dance on the tip of a pencil—almost a near-impossible task. So why not increase the size of the pencil?

Medical school can be greatly rewarding, you simply need to set up your life in a way that promotes peace and relaxation especially in times of stress and high-emotion.

Here’s how:

  • Keep the people who relax you closest!
  • Don’t isolate yourself, always try to be around people, even if you don’t speak to them
  • Practice eliminating negative self-talk
  • Meditate on positive things and aspects of your personality
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Have a positive routine of self-care – listen to relaxing music, look at visually pleasing things
  • Reach out to the travellers or the quiet people – they may want to do fun activities and create great memories
  • Use every experience to speak to someone new and LEARN from them!

You can relax with the visuals below! change different toggles and interact with the screen to get your perfect aesthetic – the final toggle is a relaxing classical music switch!

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