How Hard is Medical School, Compared to Other Degrees?

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How Hard is Medical School, Compared to Other Degrees?

Medical school can be quite hard compared to other degrees.

Students can expect to spend 8 hours a day in class and up to 40 hours a week studying, researching, and preparing for lectures and exams.

This is essentially a full-time job, but the overall experience should still be an enjoyable one.

person holding laboratory flask
Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on

How Hard is First Year Medical School?

The first year of medical school is a time for students to get acquainted with the basics of their chosen profession.

It is also a time for them to get used to many new things, including working with peers and colleagues of different ages and familiarising themselves with the basic functions of the human body.

The first year of medical school is difficult because it requires students to make a lot of adjustments in order to adapt from being an average student in college/sixth form to being a professional student in a vocational program.

Medical school can be hard because it is a lot more competitive than most other courses, however, students that manage to secure a place should be incredibly proud of their achievements, and should look to make the most out of their first year in med school.

How Hard is Second and Third Year Medical School?

The second year of medical school is often referred to as the “pre-clinical” year. It is a time for students to focus on learning the basic science that will be used throughout their careers. This includes classes in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and pathology.

The third year of medical school is often called “clinical” or “clerkship.” It is a time for students to learn about clinical medicine by working with patients and practising in a hospital setting.

The first year is often seen as the most difficult since a lot of adjusting is required. The second and third years are not much easier.

It can be hard to get adjusted to the workload at any level, and there’s a lot of pressure from professors to do well in your classes, seminars, and exams.

The second and third year are still hard work, and students often find themselves having to balance their personal/social life with their OSCE studies, and their clinical rotations in hospitals or other healthcare facilities.

How Hard is Fourth and Fifth Year Medical School?

The fourth year is when students start to become doctors by spending time in hospital wards and clinics.

The fifth year is the final year before graduation where students will be working with patients on their own. This is a very demanding period as they are expected to do shift work in hospitals while they are also studying for their exams.

Despite being challenging, this period will be rewarding as it will help students gain experience that they can use when they start working as junior doctors.

With the wrong mindset, medical school can seem like a lengthy, arduous, and monumental undertaking.

However, with the right mindsets, motivation, and guidance, successfully metriculated students can expect to become amazing doctors and pioneering consultants in the future.

The process SHOULD be hard, however it also should be enjoyable!

Medical students are amongst the few university cohorts to form extremely tight bonds during and after their studies.

Going through highs and lows with your peers will bring you closer together, and make the experience all the more rewarding in the end!

How Hard is Medical School?

Overall, medical school is hard, but surprisingly rewarding; you work hard, but in the end you are deeply satisfied by the new perspective and set of skills you have acquired, and will find yourself looking back on your time at medical school with pride.

It may be the case that balancing exams, OSCEs, clinical rotations, a social life, and relationships with friends and family all at the same time may be overwhelming at first.

However, it takes time to settle, which is why the first year is often an adequate and intense adjustment period to settle into medical school life.

Are Some medical schools easier to get into than others?

Some medical schools may actually be easier to get into than others when you consider their respective entry requirements, wider participation schemes, application success ratio, and competition ratio.

The competition ratio is possibly the best way to gauge how tricky a medical program will be to enrol in.

The competition ratio is simply the proportion of applications received and places offered.

A university with more places may not always be easier to enrol in since the number of applications should also be considered. 

This is why the competition ratio should be your first point of reference when determining how hard a medical school is to enrol in. 

How hard is medical school compared to other degrees?

Depending on a student’s strengths and weaknesses, medical school can either be the trickiest thing someone ever undertakes, or not.

There are certainly a number of degree programs that offer students an equally challenging curriculum, but medicine remains one of the longest degrees one can take at a university.

This is no error and has been intentionally done to allow sufficient time for both clinical and non-clinical training.

Courses such as mathematics, chemical engineering, computer science, software engineering, law, pharmacy, chemistry, and aerospace engineering are certainly challenging degrees that may give medicine a run for its money. 

The purpose of university, however, isn’t to find the hardest degree, but to educate cohorts in a subject area so they may become competent contributors to society.

Overall Summary

In summary, medicine is a very challenging degree that requires time and attention.

However, it can also be a very rewarding undertaking that garners sufficient financial gains as you progress in your career.

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